UK COFFEE WEEK is back and like we did last year, we would encourage you to take part and sign up, especially if you have a love for coffee.

It’s a week-long celebration of coffee and fundraising campaign for Project Waterfall, a charity bringing clean water, sanitation and education to coffee-growing communities across the world.

Businesses of all shapes and sizes sign up and fundraise with their customers during the week by donating money from every cup of coffee served, bag of coffee or related products sold, and celebrate by running events and competitions.

You just have to walk through any South Wales town to appreciate that coffee is one of the largest and most powerful industries in the world. Incredibly, over 500 billion cups of coffee are consumed globally each year, and every one of those cups gives us an opportunity to change lives.

UK Coffee Week 14th – 20th October

The team at UK Coffee Week believe that by coming together every year we can all help change the lives of the millions of people across the globe that rely on coffee to fund their livelihoods.

Every penny raised during the week goes straight to Project Waterfall, bringing clean water, sanitation and education to coffee-growing communities across the world.

You can get more details on the week itself, and Project Waterfall at the bottom of our page, but we thought this is a good excuse (if ever we needed one) to tell you about some of our favourite brews.

As great as it is sitting at home, relaxing on the sofa, or working from our home-office space, with a fresh brewed cup of our favourite coffee, nothing can beat the experience of sitting in the place we love, enjoying the sounds and aroma with other like minded customers.

So, being huge supporters of all of our coffee shops, here at SOUTH WALES LIFE, we say get out and keep supporting local whenever you can.

When it comes to coffee, and undoubtedly we are a nation obsessed with the stuff, there are so many to choice from. Yet being the creatures of habit that we are, we always go for our supposed favourite. It seems however, that during lockdown (remember that) we were taken out of our comfort zone and directed us to something altogether new as our top go to caffeine fix to get us through the day.

We’ll come to that in a minute, but first here’s a guide to some other regulars and how best to make them. Or of course you can just brush up and order something different from your favourite coffee shop.

Regardless of which coffee we choose, what matters is how it tastes, smells, and whether or not it gives us the little hit that only coffee can. Let’s be honest, just how many of us can’t even face the day with a steaming hot cup of Joe? Or perhaps a latte, a piccolo, or maybe a long black.

We checked to see how many types of coffee beverages there are and it turns out, there’s quite a lot. Websites vary between twenty and thirty different types, one of them even had 40. Seriously, I can’t decide what pastry to have when I go to a cafe so would have no chance with 40 coffee types on the menu.

So here is the short and sweet, keep is simple, SOUTH WALES LIFE guide to our favourite coffees, most can be made at home by the way. We’ve left the lockdown favourite till last.

Flat White

There are two types of coffee, the long black and the flat white both originated in New Zealand and Australia. For a flat white, the steamed milk from the bottom of the jug (which is usually not frothy, but creamy) is poured over a shot of espresso.

Flat White……


Possibly the most popular type of coffee in the world, a cappuccino consists of three layers. The first is a shot of espresso, then steamed milk, and finally you (or the Barista) adds a layer of frothed, foamy milk. This final layer can also be topped with chocolate shavings or powder. Traditionally, Italians drink this coffee at breakfast.


Caffè Americano

Apparently, American soldiers during the Second World War made this coffee to make their beverages last longer. By all accounts it was adopted by American Baristas after the war. You can make it simply by adding hot water to a shot of espresso coffee.

Café Latte (or Café au lait)

A fairly popular option for coffee drinkers, a latte consists steamed (or scalded) milk and a single shot of coffee. It is usually quite frothy, and you’ll sometimes come across places that don’t understand the difference between this and a flat white. It can be ordered plain or with a flavour shot of anything from vanilla to pumpkin spice.



Okay, coffee snobs will turn their nose up at this one, but if you need a quick fix instant coffee is still better than no coffee! Instant coffee is coffee that’s had all the water removed, leaving behind just the soluble coffee flavour. It contains slightly less caffeine and more acrylamide than regular coffee, but it contains most of the same antioxidants. Overall, instant coffee is a healthy, low-calorie drink that is linked to the same health benefits as other types of coffee.

Irish Coffee

Too many of these and you might have to have a little nap before reading on. This coffee, because this is made with Irish Whiskey, sugar, and a thick layer of cream on the top. You’re more likely to find these in a restaurant than a coffee shop, or in your own home at the moment once the kids are tucked up in bed. more often found in restaurants.

We figured Jameson, who make Irish Whiskey, probably know what goes into a good Irish Coffee. Before you tell us we’ve spelt it incorrectly, the Irish way is with an ‘E’ IRISH COFFEE.

And that brings us to the lockdown favourite. The coffee which we’d all been making over the months when we couldn’t get out to the cafe. The kids may not drink it, but will love watching how the ingredients transform into the creamy froth. It’s a bit of an upside down coffee to be honest, and looks stunning when you make it. Definitely special, with very little effort.


This became the new star of our lockdown world. It came about when people were messing about with different types of coffee recipes at home. Let’s face it, we all had a little bit of spare time recently. DALGONA is made by whipping up instant coffee, sugar and hot water into a creamy froth and adding it to either hot or cold milk. It takes its name from the Korean word for honeycomb candy, which it resembles.

It also looks lovely when it’s made, so we got our guys to come up with some pictures to get you in the mood.

This is how we make it. Three Ingredients and two really easy steps……

  • 3 tbsp instant coffee
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 400-500ml milk (we find whole milk is best)
  1. Whisk the coffee, sugar and 3 tbsp boiling water in a bowl for around 5 minutes. The mixture will turn really thick and fluffy with stiff peaks. You can do it using an electric whisk but whisking by hand is always more satisfying when the magic happens. 
  2. For hot coffee, heat the milk and pour into two heatproof glasses. For cold coffee, pour the cold milk into two glasses. Divide the coffee mixture in half and spoon evenly on top of the glasses. Serve and stir thoroughly before drinking. 

And if you want a few more ideas, here are three ways RECIPE IDEAS.

Give it a go, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea (or coffee) but it’s great to watch the transformation when you whip the ingredients.

UK COFFEE WEEK runs through to 14th to 20th October. To find out more just head here – COFFEE

During the week, businesses make a donation from for every coffee served, bag of coffee or – related products sold, or by running competitions and events. Coffee lovers are given the opportunity to support these businesses and communities at origin.

If like us, and treat your home like it’s a cafe and coffee shops, here’s a couple of posters our team have designed. You can download and put on your door for a bit of fun.

And maybe one for the kids (young and old) to colour in……