Before I launch into our review of last night’s opening performance of FRIENDSICAL – A PARODY MUSICAL ABOUT FRIENDS I need to tell you, that along with half the world, I am the biggest Friends fan. Now I’m not just talking ‘I’ve watched a few episodes’ fan, I mean sitting down night after night watching the constant re-runs on the Comedy Channel fan.
It gets to the point where I can script-a-longa Friends now, and I don’t only mean the best known catchphrases.
So, with a bit of a warning to the writers and cast of last nights show, I was there to be properly Friends-tertained.

Friendsical is not a re-hash of old episodes made into a stage show, this is an original and unique new parody musical inspired by the gang in Friends, the iconic TV show. The plot however does follow more than a few familiar themes……
When Ross’s wife leaves him for another woman, he fears he will never find love again. But then Rachel runs back into his life… will he end up with his one true love?
If you’re a fan of the show, like me, then I guarantee you are going to love it. The way the writers have condensed 10 season of TV shows – 236 episodes if you’re counting, into 2 hours or so of stage antics, says as much for their talent as it does of our passion for Friends. Knowing the show as well as we all seemed to in the audience definitely enhances the whole experience.
Don’t be put off by that, this is also for non-lovers, and you’ll really enjoy it, even if you’ve never seen an episode, if you have though, be prepared for a proper Friends-Fest.
First things first, we asked our new found Friends, or as I like to call them, members of the audience, to give us their take on last nights show. We also asked who their favourite TV character is, and you might be surprised by the choice….
Because the show is two and a half hours long and the Friends Tv series ran for around 90 hours in total, we do get a bit of a whistle-stop journey through the episodes. What is great about the show is that it grabs hold of our favourite moments and weaves them into the story, with some incredibly catchy tunes, more on those shortly.
As you heard in the video, the plot does jump around a lot and storylines are mixed and mashed up. Nevertheless, all our favourite moments are there, even if it’s a fleeting reference.
This is a show about Friends so we do expect to see our favourites up on stage, and actually, this production has six of the best who can act, sing and dance, and do a mighty fine take on the main characters.
Friends isn’t only about the strong script, at its best it shines brightest when physical comedy steps in where few words are needed. The musical parody has taken that premise and used it to help move the plot along. Yes, we do get some uncanny impressions of the cast, but it’s the smiles, looks, small gestures which work so well. All the cast are great, with not one turkey among them – apart from SARAH MICHELL-KELLY who plays Monica.

NELSON BETTENCOURT is Ross and TIM EDWARDS as Chandler, who as any fan will tell you, were friends long before Joey (SARIO SOLOMON) came on the scene, Just as Monica was with Rachel (AMELIA KINU MUUS). The six are complete with Phoebe played by ALLY RETBERG, who looked and sounded like the quirky Phoebes. She sings and plays guitar (kind of) and even gets an almost mention of Smelly…….. sorry, I can’t say anymore than that because of copyright.
Whilst all the cast are really good we do want to give special mention to Tim. Chandler is uncannily reincarnated through him, not only the way he sounds and looks, but every little walk, or hand movement is incredibly Chandler. I swear at one point I felt a young Matthew Perry was on stage.
There are some scenes and characters from Friends that you wouldn’t dare miss out in a parody and thank goodness most of them were there. Richard and his beloved moustache (which even got its own song), the Xerox girl (she who did the Ross while he was ‘on a break), and OH-MY-GOD there was even Janice.
But we want to give a special shout to TANVEER SINGH DEVGUN who played the white-haired Gunther. Like the TV character he isn’t numero uno in the show but boy when he’s on stage we are all right on his side. His solo number claimed he was the seventh member of the cast, which I think we all agree is probably true.

The cast enter the stage with a theme song which isn’t by The Rembrandts but it was as near as damn it ‘There For You‘ and a really great way to meet the characters and get us in the Friendsical-Spirit. In fact all of the music appropriately felt of the 90s era and captured the feel brilliantly.
They made a really good job of sound-a-liking ‘With or without you’, which is again a key moment in the TV series.
The story really hangs on the Ross and Rachel, we were on a break love story thing and is told from Mr Geller’s perspective. Although Ross is the narrator he also steps away from the story to occasionally have a chat with us in the audience. Any time the fourth wall is broken in a production it makes for something special, and this was no exception.
I don’t want to tell you how the story is played out, other than it’s a TV show, within a stage show, within a – seriously, go see the production and all will become clear.
The set works well with Central Perk transforming into Monica’s apartment and then to the boys home with the iconic reclining chairs. The way the crew come on stage to orchestrate the change and become part of the story is an inventive way of moving the story along.
Finally, as with the TV show, we had a special guest who dropped in. Last night, and this evening, it’s former Pussycat Doll KIMBERLEY WYATT. Again, I don’t want to ruin how she is squeezed into the show but she appears a lot and is really good as she attempts to find her Friends role. Incidentally, if you’re going to the New Theatre on Saturday Strictly Star JOANNE CLIFTON will be the special guest.

The show is crammed full of our Friends favourites, characters, stories and lines. If we asked How You Doin’ we’d say they were doin’ very well. If you’re a fan this is a ready made hit, if you’re new to the whole Friends thing, this is a great introduction and perfect way to start before tackling the ten TV seasons.
Keep your wits about you as the cast take you on a Friends journey filled with some really catchy original songs. You’ll laugh out loud and even have a bit of a moment when those key moments are relived on stage.
FRIENDSICAL is at the New Theatre in Cardiff till tomorrow, Saturday 10th September. Evening performances are at 7:30pm with a 2:30pm matinee on Saturday. For more details and tickets, go HERE.
Take a look at our original show feature which is crammed full of Friends facts and our favourite quoted from the series – HERE.