First thing to say is that our review of MENOPAUSE THE MUSICAL 2: CRUISING THROUGH THE MENOPAUSE doesn’t come with any spoilers. The joy of this show is hearing how songs we know and love, are skilfully woven together to ‘fit the subject’, if you know what we mean. And it really is a pleasure to listen to the songs, and watch the audience reaction to the new lyrics.
The tour is at the New Theatre in Cardiff till Saturday, and we were at the opening night performance. I can’t lie, I counted four fellas in the near capacity theatre, and I was one of them. I say this to encourage more guys to go along – I promise that you will laugh out loud from start to finish.
So what is Menopause the Musical 2 all about?
Simple really, it follows four women, navigating their way through “the change” with the help and support of each other and some pretty incredible songs from the last six decades.

There’s no denying that the subject itself is a tricky one, and something not often talked about, especially on stage, in a musical, but that in itself is part of the shows appeal. A lot of the audience seemed to appreciate what the four characters are going through and I could see some women nodding their heads in agreement.
In fact there’s a moment when Chrissy Rock says that the menopause is something we ‘just don’t talk about‘, almost in unison every member of the audience mumbled an agreeing ‘yes’.
Which seems like the perfect time to introduce you to the cast.
CRISSY ROCK (Earth Mother), who you may know from Benidorm, (the series not the holiday), is the funny girl of the group. Despite her upbeat nature, it becomes clear that times have been tough when she dealt with her menopause. There’s no denying that the audience absolutely love Chrissy and were with her character every step of the way.
REBECCA WHEATLEY (Housewife), yes her off Casualty, is widowed and takes her hubbies ashes on the cruise with her – immediately you sense a comedy moment is about to ensue with those. In this day and age where ‘sex words’ are bandied about so freely, it’s nice to see someone who is embarrassed at saying or hearing them. Again, the comedy moments are well delivered around this situation. Rebecca also belts out a fine performance of her solo song.
Eurovision star NICKI FRENCH (Power Woman) plays a woman who has obviously done well professionally, but has a life filled with regret over missing out on her son growing up, something a lot of us in the audience could relate too. Her solo bit is funny, but you’re never far away from her raw emotions.
And then there’s West-End star SUSIE FENWICK, who actually plays the part of a TV star, or should we say ex TV star who’s career came to an abrupt end, partly down to the menopause – a song explains it all and we promised no spoilers. As he career finished, so did her relationship with her ‘younger man’.
It’s these different lives and backgrounds each of them live that makes them a perfect fit.

Don’t for one minute however think this is a show just for women, and those who have felt the effects of ‘the change’. I am a man, and have felt those effects in very different ways, so this was a journey for me, and the rest of the guys in the audience.
If you are a Menopause The Musical fan there’s a chance you know these characters from the first show. They are four middle-aged women, each with their own back story. To help explain their lives, each of them get their own solo spot, which also gives us a chance to hear the performers sing on their own.
If you haven’t seen the first show, then don’t worry – the sequel stands alone and is very easy to get a feel for the characters and their story.
I’m finding it really difficult not to tell you some of the songs they perform, because they are the backbone to the whole piece. Each one, with a lot of skilful rewriting, bring a whole new life and meaning to them. All I can say is that when the music begins, there’s a fair chance you’ll recognise the classic hit song – what you won’t recognise are the new lyrics.
They are each incredibly funny and poignant, in equal measures, and seem to capture a moment in the lives of the women on stage, and for many women in the audience. Add to that an empowering script and four talented performers, and you have a great night out.
By now you’ve probably guessed that I loved the show, more than I thought I would, and definitely more than I should.
Being in the audience with so many women brought a new appreciation of the issues the menopause can bring. For me personally, I also received a lot of praise from some women I met at the bar for having the bottle to be there. So do yourself a favour fellas, get along tp the New Theatre, take your other half, and be as pleasantly surprised as I was.
So, that’s what I thought, but what about those women in the audience?
The show is incredibly relatable, as the almost sold out theatre audience can testify. Certainly the women we spoke to afterwards were full of – ‘been there, suffered that‘.
I’ll leave the final words to Alison from Roath who told us…….
“This is the perfect girls night out, we loved it. Actually, make that woman’s night out, especially those who have gone through the nightmare of the menopause.
Both me and my friend laughed and cried and understood exactly what the women were going through. We suggest all women grab their men and bring them along – it’ll do them the power of good.”
At it’s most basic, we follow four women as they set out on a journey of love and friendship, but most of all, to have a really good time. Think Spice Girls energy and spirit, lived out by women of a certain age and time of their life.
MENOPAUSE THE MUSICAL 2: CRUISING THROUGH THE MENOPAUSE is at the New Theatre in Cardiff this week through till to Saturday 19th March. Performances are at 7:30pm on Thursday and Saturday, and 8:30pm on Friday. There are two earlier shows on Friday at 5:30pm and Saturday at 4pm. Tickets range from £32.50 to £35, unless you want to get the girls together and treat yourselves to a box. For more details go HERE.
Take a look at our preview feature HERE.