As the festive season ends and the Christmas decorations go back into the loft, January is often a time when we feel our moods drop the most. This year Dr Emily MacDonagh (Mrs Peter Andre) is on a mission to help the nation feel less blue.

Alongside tips such as increasing exercise, setting aside some ‘me time’ and ensuring a healthy work/life balance, she says making small tweaks to diets to improve vitamin intake can make a big impact to how we feel during the gloomier months and help us to stay on track with New Year resolutions.
We spoke to Emily on what is known as BLUE MONDAY to find out how we can navigate our way through the difficult time after the festive period…..
January’s third Monday, ‘Blue Monday‘, is thought to be the most depressing day of the year. We all know that it really isn’t, but it is a good opportunity to take a look at our mental and physical health.
Emily posted recently…..
Today is Blue Monday, often referred to as the “most depressing day of the year.” For some, it’s just another Monday, while for others, this label can feel heavy and internalised.
I want to ask: do you believe in the concept of Blue Monday, or do you think it’s a narrative that’s shaped how we perceive this day—and maybe even our emotions? There has been criticism of the whole concept of Blue Monday, with many people arguing that it trivialises mental health. There is no scientific evidence that this day is different from any other. I certainly feel that conditions like depression are serious, and can affect people at any time, all year round.
Having said that, it’s worth acknowledging that January can be challenging for many. The cold, dark days can weigh on us. But I’m choosing to approach tomorrow like any other new week: as an opportunity. A fresh start to face new challenges and embrace exciting moments.
If you’re struggling, please know it’s okay to open up. Talk to your loved ones, lean on your support network, and remember—we’re all here for one another.
How do you feel about Blue Monday? Let’s start a conversation.

As Dr Emily said, there are a few things we can do to help get through Blue Monday…..
Exercise is fantastic, it releases happy endorphins and chemicals. It doesn’t have to be exercise in the gym because that can be off-putting for some people. It’s all about increasing your physical activity.
Assess your New Year’s resolutions
A lot of our New Year’s resolutions fail within a coupe of weeks. If you have failed, look at why and use that as a learning experience.
If getting yourself in shape is tour plan this year, we have an extensive feature to help you on your way – HERE.
And if you’d like a really simple recipe, check out our Chicken and Mushroom pie details HERE.