With my head still buzzing from the Coldplay gig I thought all I’d be talking about this week would be Chris and the Boys. Yes of course they we’re superb, but there’s another new favourite I want to rave about and that is Mr SpongeBob Squarepants.
Wednesday afternoon at the Bay, in the Wales Millennium Centre with hundreds of school parties, there to enjoy the show, was a little reminiscent of the previous nights big gig. As THE SPONGEBOB MUSICAL started, you could sense the excitement as some the Nickelodeon favourites from Bikini Bottom began to fill the Donald Gordon stage. And it’s easy to see why, it was fantastic.
The musical of the 20 year-old cartoon favourite has been a massive hit with audiences, critics and those who hand out shiny awards since it first took to the stage on Broadway six years ago. This is its first visit here, and judging by the reaction from yesterday’s audience, it won’t be the last.
Before our review, here’s what some of them thought of the show. As you’ll see, young AVA is clearly a massive SpongeBob fan….
The show is about as bright as a pack of Skittles and as joyous as eating the whole bag yourself. One teeny tiny spoiler, SpongeBob’s Squarepants pants are not actually square, they’re just pants. LEWIS CORNAY who inhabits them however, is every bit a SpongeBob as the SpongeBob who wears proper square pants on our telly. His energy is off the scale (fish reference there btw) good, and he has the voice off pretty perfectly.
Hang on a minute you’re saying. Who is this SpongeBob fellow, I’ve never see Nickelodeon before. Well, that doesn’t really matter, everything about the show is stand alone good, and the songs are absolutely superb. For the sake of context though – here’s what SBSP is all about
SpongeBob is an incredibly human-like sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea in the idyllic town of Bikini Bottom. He lives next door to Patrick, a starfish who is sweet but dumb as the rock he lives under and Squidward, a misanthropic octopus who is consistently annoyed by SpongeBob and Patrick’s antics.
Still with me?
SpongeBob and Squidward work at the Krusty Krab, a fast food joint that is owned by Mr. Krabs. SpongeBob wants to be promoted to manager but Mr Krabs is having none of it.
The volcanic mountain, not far from Bikini Bottom is about to erupt, and it’s our hero SpongeBob to the rescue along with his friends Patrick (IRFAN DAMANI) and squirrel Sandy (CHRISSIE BHIMA), don’t ask, just accept that a squirrel lives under the sea.
As well as the erupting volcano we have the devious and villainous Sheldon Plankton, played brilliantly by DIVINA DE CAMPO who, in true panto style you feel you should boo, but with such a brilliant performance, I was there whistling and cheering at every opportunity.

There’s another recognisable face in the show, although the make up is so good, you’d be hard pushed to recognise GARETH GATES in the role os Squidward. In fact I had to confirm to at least three people on the stairs leaving the auditorium, that it was indeed Gareth.
The make up is excellent, the Squid like costume is hilarious, without being ridiculous. In fact, SARAH MERCADÉ has done a superb job with all the costumes, which really capture the essence of the cartoon without being too cartoon-like.
I’ve interviewed Gareth on a few occasions (HERE) and seen him many times on stage, and he always delivers a polished performance. I did get the sneaky feeling that he’s really loving letting go in this show. He plays a squid really well. One of the stand out moments for me is a routine with Gareth and the company.
In true old-style musical fashion, they break out into a full on song and dance routine with some brilliantly choreographed tap – no mean feat when your a squid I suspect. It was polished and slick and I was moments away from a standing ovation. With twenty kids to my left, and the same to my right, I thought it best to remain seated.

This is a great opportunity to mention the music. The show is crammed with an amazing soundtrack which you may not know at the start. but by the time you leave the WMC I guarantee you’ll be humming as you go.
Some of the finest performers have put the songs together for this including – Yolanda Adams, Steven Tyler and Joe Perry of Aerosmith, Sara Bareilles, Jonathan Coulton, Alex Ebert of Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, The Flaming Lips, Lady A, Cyndi Lauper, John Legend, Panic! At the Disco, Plain White T’s, They Might Be Giants and T.I. and songs by David Bowie, Tom Kenny and Andy Paley. Additional lyrics by Jonathan Coulton. Additional music by Tom Kitt. Musical production conceived by Tina Landau.
You don’t need to know the songs before you see the show, but if you fancy a listen now, we’ve put the soundtrack at the bottom of this page.
I’ve mentioned a few of the main players but be in no doubt, every resident of Bikini Bottom play their part in bringing our favourite, and much loved characters to life. The band too (who are terrific) are on stage and occasionally breakaway into the show to become part of the story.
Go here to see the full cast and creative team – SPONGEBOB.
There’s also some really nice moments, again a little reminiscent of panto, where characters are directly addressing us in the audience, there was even a little prize giveaway moment which was a nice touch. I don’t want to say too much about these, just make sure you’re settled down in good time to enjoy them.
Watch out for the bubble filled treat towards the end of the show, and a short sing-a-long number we all loved.

The set is truly mesmerising with lights ands screens to keep everyone entertained, but what I loved most about this show is the fact it’s all about the characters. Everything looked great, but more importantly, the story, songs and message was right at the heart of the show.
I can’t lie, I am a SpongeBob fan, whether that’s because I endured many hours of the cartoon with my son, or I just love the off-beat, slightly zany humour. If you’re a fan too, there are some nice moments and gags which us true SpongeBob lovers had a little chuckle along too.
The show is bright and colourful and filled with one of the best new soundtracks I’ve heard for a long time. I loved the positive vibes that came from the stage leaving the kids, young and old, with a really positive, inclusive message. Perfect during this particular month.
The show is an absolute joy and is the maddest, funniest and most entertaining thing you’ll see. It is the best couple of hours you’ll spend in the theatre with your kids, or maybe those, like me, who are still kids at heart. ‘Fish‘ around in your pocket, grab a few ‘Squid‘ and ‘Splash‘ out on a ticket, I promise you won’t regret it.
THE SPONGEBOB MUSICAL lives in a theatre, just by the Bay (along with his pineapple) – till Saturday 10th June. Performances are at 7pm each evening with a 2pm matinee on Saturday. Tickets start at £12 with a whole range of prices in between. For more details, and to get yours, go HERE.