When the producers of 42nd STREET, which runs this week at the Wales Millennium Centre, claimed it is BIG – BRIGHT and BRAND NEW, you sit in the Donald Gordon theatre whispering under your breath ‘OK, prove it’. And boy did they do just that, and some.
If 42nd Street was a movie (which it was back in 1933), this would be our summer blockbuster. The dancing is off the scale incredible, the songs are as near perfect as you’ll find in an old-school Hollywood musical, and as for the cast, they had some big (tap) dancing shoes to fill to match those who have gone before them, but they are all fab-u-lous, if I’m allowed to borrow a well used dancing expression from a recent visitor to the WMC.
There is actually a reason I referenced that TV show, which I’ll come to shortly.

42nd Street is about as big and iconic a production as you’ll see anywhere. From the moment I saw the cast perform at the Royal Albert Hall at the 2018 Olivier Awards, (HERE) I was mesmerised by the sheer scale of the company and production, and I can tell you absolutely nothing has been spared in this current tour. Everything they had in the West End is right up on the stage for us to see, slightly open-mouthed at times I have to say.
Once you realise that JONATHAN CHURCH directs this song-and-dance spectacular, you know you’re in for something special. After all, he brought us the incredible Singin’ In The Rain to the Centre last year (REVIEW HERE), and has also directed The Drifters Girl, which gets here in 2024. Add to that some of the most toe-tapping songs, including ‘42nd STREET, We’re In The Money, Lullaby of Broadway, Shuffle Off To Buffalo and I Only Have Eyes For You, and you really do have one of the most memorable nights at the theatre you’ll ever have.
Here’s what last nights audience thought of this production. You’ll also notice an unexpected appearance from one of the stars of the show, Michael Praed……
For a show filled with so much glamour and glitz the story is actually set in the depression.
Fresh off the bus from small-town America, young and beautiful Peggy Sawyer arrives in New York City dreaming of her name in lights. She quickly catches the eye of a big-time director and lands a spot in the chorus line of Broadway’s newest show… and when the leading lady gets injured, Peggy gets her shot at stardom.
The tour cast features most of the stars who played in the London production, and we have some fantastic names in town. In fact a few of the audience weren’t aware of just who is in the show and occasionally I heard a hushed ‘isn’t that….‘ come from a row behind. The answer to that is most probably yes, it absolutely is…..
FAYE TOZER (Yes, her from STEPS) is Maggie Jones, the co-writer and producer of that show in the story – Pretty Lady. Faye is brilliant and pretty much everything you’d expect in a Broadway writer. You do need to look carefully to spot her, the pop star look is well and truly locked away in this production.
The co-writer of the aforementioned show is Bert Barry played by TV favourite LES DENNIS. I say TV favourite but Les has actually made a bit of a name for himself in some top-notch musicals. Now he’s announced as a contestant in the next season of Strictly, we’re going to see a lot more of Les on our screens soon.
He was terrific on stage alongside Michael Ball in Hairspray and was a riotous Uncle Fester in The Addams Family musical which was at this very theatre many years ago.
In that production he starred alongside SAMANTHA WOMACK, who is also in 42nd Street as Dorothy Brock. Like Les, Samantha has earned a superb reputation on stage and delivers brilliantly as the star who breaks her ankle, allowing Peggy (RHIANNA DORIS) to take the lead in ‘Pretty Lady’. Real life mirrored the production last night as Rhianna stepped into the role for NICOLE-LILY BAISDEN, who you may well see later this week.
Rhianna did a great job and really brought Peggy to life, in what is a full-on, demanding part.
There are so many faces you’ll recognise from TV in this show MICHAEL PRAED plays top producer Julian Marsh, and for those of us who were massive Robin of Sherwood fans back in the day, were thrilled to see him deliver an outstanding performance, and I said to Mr Praed himself last night, who knew he had such a powerful voice as he belted out some of the show favourites.
It’s fair to say the show demands nothing but quality and precision in both singing and dancing and SAM LIPS as Billy Lawlor delivers that every time. Lots of last nights audience were thrilled to see Sam return after an outstanding performance in Singin’ In The Rain last year.
But one connection I’m not sure many in the audience picked up on is OLIVER FARNWORTH who plays Pat Denning. Once again, who knew he had such a fabulous singing voice. For those of us who were regularly glued to Coronation Street in the Les Dennis era, will remember Oliver played his son (not son) in the TV soap. If you weren’t, just Google it and you’ll see what I mean.
The cast is complete with Olivier nominated actor ANTHONY OFOEGBU as Abner Dillon the financial backer of Pretty Lady and determined suitor to Dorothy Brock.
There’s also a company of some of the finest dancers and performers to fill a stage, and boy do they fill this massive stage brilliantly.
You can see the full cast list HERE.
The songs are one thing but you come to 42nd for the dancing as much as anything else. Along with all the romance, comedy and backstage intrigue, the show has some of the most incredible, breathtaking tap dance routines choreographed and designed by Olivier Award winners BILL DEAMER and ROBERT JONES.
The set design moves seamlessly from the backstage scenes into routines from ‘Pretty Lady’ and then back again. Which means once we leave the drab and dreary backstage, the glitz of the show really pops, almost in an instant.
The costumes are as beautiful as the set is glamorous and really take you back to the golden age of Hollywood.
The show is basically a rags to riches story with Peggy Sawyer at the heart of it. We hear that Nicole-Lily Baisden is absolutely superb in the lead role and delivers a show-stealing performance. You may well get to see her for the rest of the week, but once again, brilliant job from Rhianna last night.
42nd STREET is a huge celebration of Broadway musicals and I can guarantee you’ll leave the theatre humming, tapping and smiling along to the shows finest. The production is packed with great tunes that I estimate are around 90 years old but sound as fresh today as the when they were first performed. I always say that a great song is a great song, no matter when it was written and 42nd Street proves that point.
Just one observation from hovering around the foyer for a while prior to auditorium opening. The age range of the audience was a real pleasant surprise. There were lots of young girls, obviously keen to see some first class tap dancing, which they did, and a slightly older crowd who were swept along with some real classic songs and routines from a bygone age.
A trip down 42ND STREET is one of the most memorable and entertaining trips you’ll make this year. The show is simply stunning in every respect – cast, dancing, songs and an orchestra, under the direction of JENNIFER WHYTE, who are beyond exceptional. It’s a show that is impossible to fault, and dare I even say, (ending where I started this review) absolutely fab-u-lous, don’t miss it.
42ND STREET is at the Wales Millennium Centre through to Saturday 19th August. Tickets start at £18 for this all singing and dancing delight. For more details just TAP HERE (see what we did there).
You can also take a look at our original show feature HERE.