The temporary closure of St David’s Hall has been extended. The venue is now closed for at least the next 18 months due to the presence of RAAC.
Giles Ballisat, Arts & Theatres Manager – St David’s Hall said…..
‘We regret to confirm that St David’s Hall is now closed for at least the next 18 months due to the presence of RAAC.
We are working hard to relocate shows and transfer tickets where possible. Please bear with us as we work through this challenging time.
If you have already been notified of a cancellation of a show, refunds have now been actioned by the bank and should be with you within 5 working days.
If you receive notification of any further shows being cancelled, please allow 20 working days for your refund to appear from Cardiff Council.
Please monitor your inbox and spam folder for further updates as we work through the list of shows for the coming months.’
Click on this link for a full list of all cancelled shows and those which have been moved to alternative venues – it makes for sad reading HERE.

You can head to St David’s Hall website for more – HERE. And we’ll update you as soon as we know more.