If anything will make you question the benefits of a lottery win it has to be THE SYNDICATE which is at the New Theatre in Cardiff for the rest of the week.

KAY MELLOR’S TV drama, which ran for four seasons on BBC1 is now a stage play directed, and starring Kay’s daughter GAYNOR FAYE. The show brings together three generations as Gaynor’s son OLIVER ANTHONY, is also part of the cast.

The Syndicate tells the story of five supermarket workers (who are like a dysfunctional family themselves), who win big as the lottery syndicate numbers come in, just as their jobs and livelihoods are under threat. The question it poses is, will a share of the jackpot make their dreams come true or their nightmares a reality?

First of all, here’s what the opening night audience thought of the show. We also spoke to Gaynor, who clearly has a special place in her heart for Cardiff…..


The play is split into two halves, giving us a chance to see the main player pre and post lottery win. We spend the fist act in the supermarket where they work, which is under threat of closure. We drop in on relationship break ups, the financial pressures having a new baby brings and shop worker Jamie (OLIVER ANTHONY) who is hounded by the local gang boss for money he owes.

There are some lovely moments in the shop, especially with SAMANTHA GILES, who spends a lot of the time behind the till reminding co-worker Stuart (BENEDICT SHAW) that he owes ‘four weeks lottery money‘. A fact which later is relevant to the plot.

The cast also includes Coronation Street favourite BROOKE VINCENT as money-loving Amy, who is as far removed from Sophie Webster as you’ll find. There’s also ROSA CODURI-FULFORDJADE GOLDING, WILLIAM ILKLEY, JEROME NGONADI and CONNOR-JAMES RYAN.

As the story moved along it all became very familiar to those of us who have watched, and loved the. TV series. I want to add however, that you certainly don’t need to have seen it to enjoy the show. It very much stands up on its own.

We as an audience knew that the £24 million lottery win was coming, which made us more rooted in the main characters lives. As they made irrational decisions to get themselves out of financial trouble, you wanted to shout at the stage ‘wait – it’s about to get better‘, but of course you don’t. For me, that is one of the real strengths of Kay’s story. We simply don’t know what lies around the corner and our actions today, can have a long-lasting impact on the future.

But I’m saying all this and you’re thinking it’s a heavy, moral story, which it is in places. But its also very funny – real life funny too, which is always more relatable.

The characters are really likeable, even the ones that do the maddest things. I felt myself rooting for them all. To not make stupid choices, either with or without the lottery millions, and that is the power of Kay’s writing.

The staging is excellent, particularly the first half in the supermarket which reveals some hidden secrets thanks to the use of clever lighting and sound.

For those of you who haven’t seen the TV series I’ve deliberately kept the plot reveals to a minimum. There are some twists and turns you won’t see coming, and you don’t want me spoiling those. There is though a really nice moment right at the start. The curtain is down and Gaynor Faye appears, with clipboard in hand, to address the audience – or so we think.

You can hear a gasp as she comes out from those who are clearly fans of her TV work. For a few seconds you think – is something wrong or is it something else. Well, I guess when you go to see the show you’ll find out.

Gaynor Faye – The Syndicate

The Syndicate is great fun but also a story with real heart. If you’re a fan of the series, this will be right up your street. If you’ve not see the TV show, we can highly recommend a visit to the theatre while it’s in town. And if you enjoy doing the lottery, then you are definitely onto a winner with this show.

THE SYNDICATE is at the New Theatre Cardiff through to Saturday 27th July. Performances are 7:30pm each evening with a 2:30pm matinee today (Wednesday) and Saturday. Tickets start at £15 and you can get yours HERE.

We also spoke to one of the other stars of the show, Brooke Vincent, prior to her arrival in Cardiff. You can watch that interview HERE.