Actor MICHAEL SHEEN is to fund and take on the role of Artistic Director for a new company which will fill the gap left by the folding of National Theatre Wales.

He will be the artistic director of WELSH NATIONAL THEATRE, which plans to bring ‘big Welsh stories on big stages for big audiences‘.

We’ve already seen Michael telling one of the biggest stories in NYE, which returns to the Wales Millennium Centre for a limited run later this year – details HERE.

NYE at Wales Millennium Centre (Photo: Johan Persson)

It was that very production which inspired Michael to ‘dream big’…….

“Welsh writers and Welsh theatre makers have to be at the forefront of this. And our Welsh stories have to be the heart of it.

I think if you put that on with ambition and audacity, with creativity and innovation, then people will respond to it.”

As for the new company, the first production, due in autumn 2026 will star Michael himself. More details to follow in the next few months.

Michael said recently that his new company did not yet have funding…

“But that suits my way of thinking. I like the idea of starting small, simple, lean and building it up, working with what you’ve got. Don’t pay for swanky offices if you don’t need them, build it slowly with care and with passion and with vision and with ambition.

We aim to represent the Welsh people so I would hope that public bodies would be prepared to work with us. I think probably history tells us that relying too much on any one source of funding makes you a bit vulnerable so I first and foremost would hope that this company can stand on its own two feet but we are open to working with whoever wants to get involved.”

Michael also highlights Gavin and Stacey as another inspiration……..

“You know, we’ve just seen over Christmas, Gavin and Stacey getting massive figures. That’s because that’s reflecting our life, what we recognise, and not only that, but offering us something positive and hopeful, and people will respond to that.

There’s no reason why you can’t do that through practical plays and some of the most wonderful pieces of literature. But it doesn’t have to be just that.

I think that’s why I’m throwing everything at this. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.”