Coming into a review of a DERREN BROWN live show is tricky. First of all, you absolutely don’t want to give anything away – spoilers are a definite no-no for us, and Derren. In fact he even told us from the stage, not to give reveal anything. Secondly, and this is what is so exciting about seeing him live, every performance is different. Yes of course the show has themes, script and direction, but given the obvious unpredictability of the audience it makes for a great, and challenging experience.
I say challenging, and I am of course referring to Derren himself. He comes out to a crowd of eager fans who expect to be ‘blown-away‘, astounded, gob-smacked, or whichever cliche you care to throw into the mix. But actually, it can be equally challenging for us in the audience too. We don’t know what’s going to happen, how events are likely to unfold, and whether Derren will be ‘feeling it’ on the night you’re there.
What I can tell you about the sold-out audience at the New Theatre in Cardiff, who were there to see the opening night of DERREN BROWN – SHOWMAN, is that we weren’t disappointed on any front.
Before we go any further, what did the audience think of the show? Again, this is completely spoiler free…….
For the record I have seen Derren a few times live, and like many of us, have watched every show and ‘bit’ he’s done on TV over the years. My previous encounters we’re very different to this experience, and believe me, SHOWMAN is one hell of an experience. Before he was known at all, I saw him perform close-up magic to a handful of people, me being one of them. Then, as his career progressed, I was lucky to catch him at the Tobacco Factory in Bristol. A small venue, which hid nothing from the audience.
What applied then, still applies now – how the hell he does what he does, I have no idea, other than to say the skill and intensity of what he does both with, and to an audience is incredible. We were all there to be entertained, but also retained some scepticism. The former we enjoyed for the whole two and a half hours of the show (with an interval), the latter was thrown out the door and replaced with a true gasp of amazement.

Now, the eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that this review of Derren Brown – Showman, hasn’t even begun to mention the content of the show, the fact is I simply can’t.
I would love to tell you about the opening for example, but it would be wrong of me to do so – I can say it is one of the most effective openings to a show I have ever seen.
As I said, we’re not going to include any spoilers here. Incidentally, if anyone you know has been to see the show, tell them to be quiet, not tell you anything, and don’t dare ruin it. You’ll thank us for that.
For me, a Derren Brown event is as much about the audience as it is him, and the 1500 people packed into the New Theatre were a crucial part of this live spectacular. Each and everyone of us cheered and applauded at every appropriate moment of this story he took us on. And that’s what Derren does best.
He really is the ultimate storyteller, which by now we accept is all part of the routine, if indeed you can call it that. He paints vivd pictures with his words, and it’s those images that stick, perhaps to be recalled later.
I was thinking about the venue as we made our way to our seats. The New Theatre is something very special with its ornate decoration and beautifully crafted interiors. There’s also a set or pictures on the wall, particularly one of Laurel and Hardy when they were in town back in the day. It’s that setting which is so well suited to seeing Derren live, particularly in Showman
At one point he makes reference to the greatest showman, P T Barnum, yes, the man who inspired the film. He then introduced us to people who have clearly influenced him. Master mind-reading performers from another century who did remarkable, and sometimes verging on unlawful things with their abilities.
So does Derren feel we are ‘suckers’ as Barnum would happily say? Actually, he most certainly does not. He has the utmost respect for his audience, delighting in the things he is able to extract and share from the willing volunteers head, but also ever mindful of the powerful affect he has on each and every one of us. Not once did he make anyone feel uncomfortable or embarrassed, and in an age where we all seem to revel in that sort of behaviour, it was a joy to watch.
As I sat there looking at Derren and trying to gauge the audience reaction, I wondered how I was going to describe him to you. He is a multi-award winning performer, part magician, illusionist and mind reader, or maybe even someone who is very skilled at tricking our minds. He is all of those things, but actually so much more.
He’s completely in tune with the human psyche – knowing what makes us tick, function and even vulnerable. His experience of the last couple of years has been parallel to all of us, and it was this shared bond which held the theme of the show.
It’s clear he too has been scarred by the effects of the pandemic, as much as we all have. It was a life changing time in history which will live with us forever. So, in a world where we are all trying to catch up with the time we’ve lost, grab hold of those we have missed, and re-evaluate what is really important to us, Derren doesn’t just perform some amazing ‘how the hell does he do that’ moments. His connection with us was life affirming.
He shared his own personal tough times of loss and heartache, in the hope we can take something away and use it in our own lives. To find a way to better connect with family and friends, and indeed with ourselves.
Incidentally, that isn’t a spoiler but a genuine part of the experience we should all take away, whether you get to see this tour or not.

But I also need to tell you, he is so damn funny. His ease on stage is second to none, and the way he reacts with the audience and volunteers is masterful. Be prepared to laugh, a lot, and maybe cry too.
And yes, I still haven’t really told you about the show.
Don’t expect a great big flashy, glitzy set, this is Derren Brown not David Copperfield. The set may be relatively minimal, and the lighting dim at times, but what is projected from it is truly awesome. It is DERREN BROWN – SHOWMAN, but actually you can add into that mix – and the AUDIENCE.
Whether you are a believer or not, however you view what Derren so skilfully does, what is unarguable is that he really is the ultimate showman. His stage persona is immaculate. He is engaging and funny and not once do you feel he is wrestling to get to his final goals.
You really could sit there all night and listen to him. Add into that a slick production, simple but effective, and you have a good old fashioned, not to be missed, mind-blowing night at the theatre.

He relies completely on us to allow him to take us on the journey with him. We of course do, and when it’s over, we are are left with a collective bond, like we have all shared something only the 1500 of us in the theatre can ever experience. Which in reality is true, accepting that every performance is different.
If you have a ticket for this weeks run at the New Theatre in Cardiff, hang on to them and make sure you go, and when you do, keep your experience spoiler free. If you don’t have a ticket, it’s unlikely you’ll get there as, at this point, there isn’t one single seat left for the rest of the week. You can pay a visit HERE if you’d like to check.
The tour is a long one running right through till October. If you can, get to a venue and grab some seats, the trip will be worth every mile of your hard earned fuel. Take a look at Derren’s website for all the DATES.
And if you’d like to read our interview with Derren, and take a look back at some of his highlights, go to our special feature HERE.