Pop-Up Repair Café
A pop-up Repair Café with hands-on workshops will be held at St David’s Cardiff this weekend, ahead of Repair Week UK.
Hosted by Cardiff Council Waste Strategy and Repair Café Wales, the one-day Repair Café on Saturday 8th March aims to inspire people to make sustainable choices and fight against waste culture.
Children and young people are invited to drop by the event between 10am-1pm at the city shopping centre to explore how they can learn to repair and reuse items instead of throwing them away, making a positive impact on the planet.
While guests cannot bring broken items to this event, they can watch repair demonstrations, learn about repair cafes in the community and find out how to be part of the movement. A learning zone at the event will teach guests simple repair skills, equipping them to make their own repairs.
Helen Morgan, Centre Director of St David’s Cardiff, commented: “The pop-up Repair Café will demonstrate the valuable contributions of Repair Cafés across Cardiff as well as how easy it can be to repair items instead of throwing them away. Inviting children and young people to be involved in this event will hopefully inspire the next generation to grow with a positive, sustainable mindset for the future.”
Phoebe Brown, Repair Cafe Wales Director, commented: “Everyone has the ability to fix, mend, and repair, all it takes is a little guidance and confidence. This event will show just how easy, rewarding, and even fun repairing can be! We hope this inspires more people to visit their local Repair Cafe and give their belongings a second chance.”
The pop-up Repair Café will be at St David’s Cardiff this Saturday, March 8th, from 10am-1pm, located near the Watches of Switzerland store.
- Venue: St David's Cardiff
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/repaircafewales/