What is so great about THE FULL MONTY on stage, and believe me, it is a great watch, is that all the elements we love about the classic 1997 movie are still there. The show opened last night at the New Theatre in Cardiff and I think it’s fair to say that each and every one of us in the auditorium loved this brand new production of SIMON BEAUFOY’S play.
There are no heroes or flashy effects to fill the stage, instead we have a heartfelt story, about a group of ordinary blokes trying to find their way back into a world which has left them feeling unloved and unwanted, both professionally and in some cases, personally.
I would imagine most of you know what’s coming at the end of the show, six guys bravely reveal all – for one night only, but the journey the show takes us on touches on real life issues which are both heartbreaking and hilarious in equal measures.
First of all, let’s check in with last night’s audience to see what they thought of the show. We also caught up with two member of the cast – DANNY HATCHARD and BEN ONWUKWE
I’m a huge fan of the movie and even the TV series re-boot on Disney+ earlier this year, but somehow the transition from screen to stage has given the story more bite. Because we’re now living in difficult times, means we can all find something to relate to in the story, or more likely, we have a greater understanding of the real life issues the production touches on.
The Full Monty doesn’t shy away from depression, suicide, how we feel about how we look, and so much more. Issues which are openly discussed and dealt with today, but back in 1980’s Sheffield where the story is set, maybe not as much, if at all.
Like the movie, the play is also hysterically funny, perhaps even more so, with some of those classic lines we’ve heard a thousand times on screen.
We follow the same band of brothers, led by Gaz (DANNY HATCHARD) who are very much down on their luck but are determined to fight back and bare a little more than they ever thought they would have to.
As in the film, this production is a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, laughs and heartbreak, a perfect way to Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the movie.
The show is full of familiar faces, but within minutes all talk of ‘isn’t that him from‘…. is gone and you’re invested in each of the lives of these desperate guys.
JAKE QUICKENDEN is Guy, the fella with the least amount of worries in showing his buff body in the final routine. BILL WARD plays Gerald, the one with the love of garden gnomes and the secret he’s kept from his wife for months. NICHOLAS PRASAD is Lomper, NEAL HURST is Dave and the one most concerned about his body-image, despite reassurances from his wife that she still fancies him. And BEN ONWUKWE plays Horse, nicknamed not because he rode the 3:30 at Chepstow, but – well, I’m sure you’ve figured that one out (or so we think). He gives a mighty sexy dance routine, despite his knackered hip, it’s hilarious and had us all cheering along with every step.

I guess the story proves there is a hot bloke for everyone and really taps in to the beauty is only skin deep motto.
The show is directed by Michael Gyngell, choreography and what they call intimacy direction is by Ian West, Set and Costume design is by Jasmine Swan and takes us from the Sheffield streets to a derelict steel mill, the dole office and ultimately the working men’s club where the deed is done.
The cast are superb and you felt there’s a real bond between them all, which extends way past the two hours they’re on stage. The story centres around Gaz and his difficult relationship with his ever supportive young son Nathan, played last night by THEO HILLS and who was a bit of a stand-out star with some of the best lines in the show, all perfectly delivered. It’s also a story about six different lives with one common theme. Each of the players brought real heart and warmth to their roles.
The women are key to this male bonding tale, especially Dave’s wife Jean (KATY DEAN). And if you’re wondering – that unforgettable scene which takes the pee out of the way men pee is still there, and absolutely hilarious.
Of course, The Full Monty is a play and not a musical but what made the original movie great was a soundtrack, which to this day is still filling those festive dancefloors. And you’ll be pleased to hear that each of those classics is there and will have you mouthing along to them and maybe having a little wiggle in your seat.
Head to the bottom of the page to listen to the soundtrack while you read the rest of this review…..
Back in the day The Full Monty was sold as a feelgood film, and all of that good felling was up on the New Theatre stage last night. Of course, we all waited for the climax to the story, when they guys donned their thongs, and took to the stage for the final routine, and it was fantastic. I don’t mind saying that I was a little nervous for the guys. It’s a difficult thing getting your kit off in front of a theatre full of people (I would imagine), but they did it with great style, panache and humour.
If you are looking for a moral to this tale I guess it comes with the final strip. As each layer is removed and thrown to the floor, so are the things which have held the guys back. If you’re gonna strip, do it with flair, if you’re going to live your life, no matter what it throws at you, grab it by the horn and live every moment to its fullest.
I have to admit to a little tear at times, and as I joined everyone on their feet for the final standing ovation, the tears became cheers for this fine production and great night out at the theatre.
THE FULL MONTY is magnificent and the cast pulled it off perfectly – and I don’t just mean their clothes in the final scene. You may know the story but you’ll still be rooting for these guys all way as they hope they have the bottle to leave their hat on – and very little else.
The tour is at the New Theatre in Cardiff this week, through to Saturday 2nd December. Performances are at 7:30pm each evening with a 2:30pm matinee on Wednesday and Saturday. Tickets start at £24, for more information, or to get yours go HERE.