It’s definitely a New Year’s Eve with a difference as thousands of spectators come along to cheer on the runners, enjoy the entertainment and fireworks and welcome the mystery runner! Which sporting star will it be in 2024?
NOS GALAN gets underway with the children’s race categories before we welcome the arrival of the celebrity mystery runner carrying the Nos Galan torch and igniting the beacon in the centre of town. In 2023 they had two mystery runners – Gareth Thomas CBE and Laura McAllister CBE. In previous years, guests have included Linford Christie, Nigel Owens, Chris Coleman and James Hook. Following the highly anticipated arrival of the mystery runner, the spectacular firework display lights up the sky. The evening ends with the fun run and elite races – it really is a great night out for all!

Cllr Ann Crimmings, Chair of the Nos Galan Road Races Committee told us…..
“Spaces for the Nos Galan Road Races are always sought after – we welcome entrants from all over the world! As the races enter their 66th year, we’re anticipating spaces to sell out quickly once more so I would urge potential participants to make a note of the ticket release dates and times.
Of course, spectators are always more than welcome to come along and enjoy the amazing atmosphere and the park and ride system will be operating again to make travel into the town centre as easy as possible. More information on all things Nos Galan will be released in the run up to the event so please follow Nos Galan Road Races on Facebook and ‘X’ and visit HERE for updates. We very much look forward to welcoming residents and visitors on New Year’s Eve.”
You can download the route and event timetable HERE.
Nos Galan 2024 – All You Need to Know
How far is the race?
Elite and Fun Run races are 5km. Children’s Races (age 8 to 9 and 10 to 11) is 600m – or one lap of the town.
Children’s Race (age 12 to 13 and 14 to 15) is 1.2km, or two laps of the town.
Is there a new route for 2024? The route for 2024 is the same as last year. Details will be in your race packs. You can also see them HERE.
Can I enter on the night?
All spaces must be purchased before the event. We cannot register any participants on the night.
Can I run in fancy dress?
Yes, we love to see the fun run filled with people in fancy dress.Please adhere to the following guidelines if choosing to run in fancy dress:
- Costumes must not be deemed offensive, or dangerous to spectators or other competitors.
- Costumes (individual or group) must be of appropriate size (i.e. must not exceed 900mm in diameter) to allow other competitors to safely pass during the race.
- Costumes must not restrict the competitors’ ability to compete.
- Costumes must be worn and not pushed or pulled – i.e. pushchairs or trollies.
If you are uncertain on whether your fancy dress is suitable please contact us to check as failing to comply with these guidelines, may result in you forfeiting your place in the race.
Can I swap my place if I choose not to run?
No, only the participant named at registration can run. No one else can use your race number.
Can I move between races (ie from Elite to Fun Run or vice versa?)Unfortunately not. All spaces in both races are sold out and race numbers are allocated, so we can’t move you to a different race.
When will I receive my race bib?
You will be sent an information pack containing your race number (bib) with built-in timing chip in Mid-December, prior to the event.
I haven’t received my race pack. What shall I do?
Please email [email protected] and staff can check for you. You will be able to collect your race pack from the Race Control at Canolfan Pennar on race day.
I have moved address since I registered and therefore don’t have a race pack. What should I do?
It is your responsibility to ensure you check post received at your former address. You can email [email protected] and collect a replacement race number on race day (from Race Control at Canolfan Pennar) but we cannot replace or provide additional packs for those who didn’t update their address or redirect their mail.
What time will the event start?
The event will start with the Children’s Races at 5pm. You can see the event timetable HERE.
Will there be a road closure?
Yes. In order to deliver the event safely, there will be a road closure in Mountain Ash. You can see the map HERE.
Where can I park on the night?
There will be a Park and Ride service operating from Mountain Ash Comprehensive School (CF45 4DG) and Cynon Valley Bowls/ Mountain Ash Rugby Ground (CF45 4DA).
This will operate back and forth between the car parks and Mountain Ash Town Hall (Aberdare Hotel bus stop).
Where can I change and leave my things?
Canolfan Pennar – Mountain Ash library will be the allocated changing and bag storage area. This will be open between 16:30 and 20:30, items are left at own risk. This area is open to participants only.
Will there be entertainment on the night?
There will be a small fun fair (Children’s rides) in Henry Street Car Park.
Will there be fireworks for 2024?
Yes the infamous Nos Galan fireworks will return for 2024.
Will there be a mystery runner for 2024?
Yes, but who will it be?!