PRIDE CYMRU’S big weekend was back in the Capital for the annual celebration with filled music, events, togetherness and love.

They moved in to Cardiff Castle with a bigger stage, what appeared to be bigger crowds but on thing remained the same – the message of support, which was also bigger than ever.

To use that well worn cliche ‘there was something for everyone‘ and there really was.

Simply put it was 2 days of pure party atmosphere and extravagant entertainment. A celebration of the importance of LGBT+, people and culture in our communities as well as bringing more than 200,000 of us together in Wales’ capital city.

Enough talk – here’s the pictures. We spoke to the team who helped put the event together, and Wales First Minister Marck Drakeford, who was literally filled with Pride for what the weekend had achieved. We also met some of the performers who took to the main stage, and most importantly, the enthusiastic crowd who joined in the party in the warm South Wales sunshine.


Pride Cymru is a volunteer-led charity that works to promote the elimination of discrimination be it on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender, race, religion or ability.

They are committed to campaigning for equality and acceptance of diversity within our communities. They recognise and celebrate the contributions made by LGBTQ+ people in society and continue their work to create opportunities for LGBTQ+ people around Wales to connect and support each other.

As Dan mentioned in our video, the event will be back over the same weekend next year to celebrate it’s 25th anniversary. In the meantime you can keep in touch with PRIDE CYMRUHERE.

Finally, here’s a few of our images from the weekend……

Incidentally, the group in our cover photo were the very last party in the parade.