After all the excitement of the Coronation, and hours of TV coverage, it was nice to settle down for our regular Saturday helping of BRITAIN’S GOT TALENT, especially as the South Wales flag was being flown very high.
In one of those magical moments which BGT does so well, 22-year-old TRAVIS GEORGE, who was clearly nervous as he walked onto the stage, told the judges he was here to sing. Simon Cowell asked him what sort of singer he’d like to be in future if he got through.
With his mum standing with And and Dec for support, Travis cried when the panel asked about his story and reasons for auditioning.
Travis says he’s not had it easy……
“This audition is something “completely different to anything I’ve ever attempted.
I believe that Britain’s Got Talent is the greatest opportunity for anyone trying to achieve their dream in the UK”.
Judge for yourself with the brilliant audition from Travis who belted out Stars from the musical Les Misérables, wowing everyone with his incredible voice…….
After he finished singing, Travis cried as the entire venue burst into rapturous applause with the audience getting to their feet.
Bruno Tonioli said……
“Talk about going for it!. I’m telling you, you could walk into a West End show tomorrow.
Very, very difficult song, sang better than most people I’ve heard.”
Amanda Holden added……
“I’ve seen Les Mis countless times. And you just knocked it out the park.”
Simon Cowell then said…..
“Travis, I mean, it was obviously an amazing audition. Literally, that’s what I call selling a song.
This was an audition we’re gonna remember.”

We’re sure you won’t be surprised to hear that Travis got himself a well deserved yes from each of the panel members and flew through to the next round.