In these tough times where we all need to watch the pennies and pounds, grabbing a bargain has never been more welcome and necessary. If those bargains can be in clothing, which actually could well be the high of fashion, then a visit to one of two huge events coming top South Wales this month should be top of your list.

WORTH THE WEIGHT have been around for a few years now and were put together as a way of fighting fast fashion. Let’s be honest we’re all guilty of it – buying something, wearing it a few times, then moving on to the next ‘in thing’. Since 2018 Worth The Weight have become a bit of a phenomenon and now travel the length and breadth of the country with tonnes of amazing vintage stock every weekend. 

We have two dates here next month, Swansea on the 4th and the following day in the heart of Cardiff – all the details at the bottom of the page.

Every piece of their stock is handpicked and graded by an expert team at their huge premises in Sheffield. They are slightly different to other sales you may have been to in that their stock isn’t the leftovers after other traders have had their pick! It’s bought in especially for these events and it’s Grade A stuff. 100% amazing stock, direct from our supplier, to you the consumer. You really can find gems within our rail with designer, branded and rare pieces mixed in with vintage staples.

Anything that doesn’t make the grade is sent to their site sewing studio to be repaired or freshened up in their laundry. And if they can’t use it they send it to charitable causes. Nothing goes to waste.

So, how does it work?

Grab a biodegradable bag on entry and get set to rummage through about 60 rails of fantastic vintage stock. They bring 9 tonnes of stock along to each venue covering a broad range of categories. The clothes are split into several categories – Denim, Sports, Ladies fashion, Mens fashion, Outerwear and accessories.

To keep the price point low, things are organised into type rather than size so be prepared to try on (they do bring changing rooms). Once you’ve found what you like it’s time to ‘Weigh & Pay‘ at one of the ‘Weigh your own‘ stations where you can test your haul and check you’re staying on budget or if you’re confident with your haul head straight to the ‘Pay Station‘ where one of the team will help you check out.

Incidentally. they take cash or card, including Apple Pay. All stock at the event is £20 per kilo, apart from heavy items which are £20 max. 

It would be rude not to give it a go we reckon, entry for either event is just a couple of quid. WORTH THE WEIGHT get to Swansea’s Brangwyn Hall on Saturday, 4th February from 11pm until 5pm. To get yourself a ticket, just go HERE.

The following day the team get to The City Hall in Cardiff (Sunday, 5th) from 10am until 4pm. To get your tickets for that one, go HERE.