In the aftermath of the devastating Abergavenny fire which brought in excess of 100 firefighters to tackle the large town centre blaze, residents have been rallying round to support those most affected.

(Image: Facebook)

14 fire crews were called to the scene at the Magic Cottage charity shop on Frogmore Street, at around 8:30pm on Sunday. The charity shop and other nearby buildings have been destroyed, or badly damaged in the fire, which is still being attended by Cardiff fire service.

We met Monmouthshire MP CATHERINE FOOKES this morning, and one of the residents/businesses affected by the fire, PAUL CABLE of Cable News.

Footage shows an intense fire with flames rising high into the area. Police  confirmed that a number of nearby houses were evacuated with Abergavenny Leisure Centre set up as a reception centre for those affected. Some are still unable to return to their homes.