It’s not all panto and party tunes this festive season (as good as they are), the Christmas offering at the Wales Millennium Centre is once again, something we’ve come to expect and look forward to. Cameron Mackintosh’s production of LES MISÉRABLES is to return to Wales next week and this visit is going to be an incredible Christmas and New Year offering.

This production was at the WMC in the winter of 2019, in fact you can read our review, and see what the audience thought right HERE.

The tour arriving at the WMC will be the same, and if you’re asking if it stands the test of time, the simple answer is yes and most definitely yes. We cannot praise it highly enough, it is simply magnificent and flawless.

The Barricade (Photo: Danny Kaan)

I don’t need to tell you too much more about this incredible production but instead, direct you to our massive feature, packed with facts and figures, and maybe a few things you didn’t – HERE.

As much as we are all looking forward to the show’s arrival, there’s one person who is perhaps a little more excited, although as this is the end of his current run in the tour it’ll be mixed feelings too.

SAMUEL WYN-MORRIS hails from Llanelli, South Wales and is a first language Welsh Speaker, he also plays the role of ENJOLRAS in the tour, a role he’s done since being understudy in London’s West End.

Sam is also a founding member of the Loud Applause Rising Star charity and is now an associate artist. The charity gives young performers from South Wales the opportunity to perform in concerts alongside Wales’ leading artists and choirs.

So, we had plenty to chat about when we put a call in to Sam at home, on a rare day off.


LES MISÉRABLES is at the Wales Millennium Centre from Tuesday 13th December to Saturday 14th January 2023. There are various performances, evening and Matinee with tickets starting at £23 through to £65. If you want to check the ticket situation either call the Box Office on 02920-636464 or go HERE.

Incidentally, you can follow Sam on Twitter & Instagram: @samuelwynmorris