Going to a festive show at the Sherman Theatre in Cardiff isn’t just a trip to the theatre, it’s a complete Christmas experience. From the moment you walk through the door you seem to enter a magical world which is a real delight for kids of all ages. So, when PETER PAN arrived as this years family production, you can imagine how excited we were to get along and see this new take on a show which was first produced in December 1904.
Over the past 50 years, Christmas productions made at Sherman Theatre have introduced generations of children from across South Wales to the magic of theatre – always with a twist.

It’s unfair to call this show a musical and it’s definitely not Peter as you know it. Catherine Dyson’s new play with songs based on J.M. Barrie’s timeless tale follows the classic story from Wendy (EMILY BURNETT) rather than the titular character’s perspective. It is directed by Theatr Iolo’s Artistic Director Lee Lyford.
It really is a tale of when Wendy meets Peter with a show which has something for everyone, young and old, which actually is what Peter Pan is all about.
For those of you concerned that any messing with a classic just shouldn’t be done this production proves that isn’t the case at all. The show feels fresh, relevant, fun and filled with heart and yet retains all the things which make Peter Pan a timeless story.
Wendy Darling is the eldest of three and the responsible big sister to John (PETER MOONEY) and Michael (KEVIN MCINTOSH) a role she takes on as their parents (ALEX MURDOCH & KEIRON SELF) go through a tough time in their relationship. Alex and Keiron also appear as Hook and Smee, with the said Captain being a little more reflective on past wrongdoings.
This is of course Peter Pan (REBECCA HAYES) but this new view of the story, through the eyes of Wendy is a nice twist. She has no problem in giving the sometimes ego filled Peter a run for his money. This ain’t no damsel in distress Wendy, more of an I’m here and you’d all better watch out.
In amongst the new twist on the tale, all the character we know and love are there, in all their mad, colourful glory. The Lost Boys (LYNWEN HAF ROBERTS, REBECCA KILLICK, KEIRON SELF & EDWARD LEE). And yes, Tink is there too, much to the delight of the audience every time OWEN ALUN was around.
The way the script is delivered, and incidentally, you are in no doubt that you are in Wales with this one, you real warm to the playful way the story is told. There are plenty of laughs for everyone too, it’s really funny in places.
RACHAEL CANNING has designed something really special with a set and costumes which bring this story to life with all the childish qualities which make this a now traditional feel to a Sherman production.
The stage looks great and we could sense some of the audience wanted to get up there and play in what is essentially the best kids bedroom ever. There’s wood and ropes, ladders and boxes and bits of ‘stuff‘ which has created a mix of pirate ship and bedroom, with different levels for the action and music to be played from.
Honestly, it’s so good and with costumes to match, it really looks like something your kids would want to play with and create their own world of make-believe. Neverland was something very special on the Sherman stage and as you can see in the pictures below, the colours just popped with a mix of funky trainers, a brilliantly weird collection of hats and the coolest striped PJs you’ll see anywhere.
There are times in the story where the traditional life of a couple is questioned and the effect this can have on the children, particularly Wendy who is assumed to take on the ‘motherhood’ role with her brothers, and later the Lost Boys. There’s some pretend play scenes which reinforce the point, but I feel thats for you something you need to see in the context of the show.
This production of PETER PAN is lovely and is the perfect celebration of the classic story but also everything that is good about theatre at the Sherman. The story is all about the power of our imagination, which might make it a little difficult for really young children to follow. What they will like however, is the bright, fun and playfulness of the show. It really is a truly magical way to spend the a few hours this festive season and one we would happily recommend for all members of the family.
PETER PAN is at the Sherman Theatre in Cardiff through to the 6th January. There’s a whole range of times, performances and prices. The best thing is to head to their site and check the dates that suit you – but be quick, the show is selling fast HERE. They also have a variety of relaxed, BSL and captioned performances too.
It lasts around 2 hours 20 minutes including an interval and although the theatre suggest 7+ as an age guidance we know younger who have really loved this show. They also remind you that in their adventures, Wendy, Peter, the Lost Boys and the Pirates make use of arrows, swords, knives and of course, hooks!
As with J.M. Barrie’s original story, Catherine Dyson’s new version of Peter Pan sensitively touches on themes of death, loss and separation.