Like a lot of us parents, we have great memories of Easter with family, or maybe you’re just making new ones now or even looking forward to your first with new arrivals. Whichever it is, there is something very special about Easter. It is the beginning of a new season, and hopefully looking forward to a great year. Oh yeah, there’s shed loads of chocolate as well.

It’s great doing things at home, and we’ll give you some ideas for that shortly. Let’s begin with what the Easter season in the UK is all about. It includes the 40 days of lent and Holy week culminating in Easter Sunday – also known as Resurrection Sunday. Good Friday is observed across the UK, while Easter Monday is celebrated everywhere except Scotland.

This year Easter Sunday is on 20th April.

The Easter weekend is the first public holiday period of the year to enjoy spring-like weather, so many outdoor events are generally part of Easter celebrations. This includes domestic travel – not only to visit family but to hit key hotspot destinations. Therefore be sure to make your plans well in advance in order to secure your travel and accommodation at the best rates.

You can download our FREE Easter Activity books here. There are three included which will keep the young kids entertained all weekend long. There’s activity sheets for the kids to colour in. You can print and cut out some very cool animal masks and there’s one specifically for pre-school children with lots of activities to do.




It’s actually one of the oldest Christian traditions and is the celebration of the last week of Jesus’ life, his death, and his resurrection. For Christians, Easter symbolises the dawn of a new life and the high point of the Christian calendar.

While it is officially defined as a Christian holiday, Easter has many of its roots in the traditions and rituals of the pagan people who inhabited the United Kingdom before its wide spread conversion to the Christian faith. Scholars believe that Easter was named for “Eostre”, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of the spring.


Easter is very different to say Christmas, as it’s not a set date. Always on a Sunday however, Easter can vary in date by country depending on whether the Gregorian or Julian calendar is being used. Here, we follow the Gregorian calendar and celebrate Easter on the Sunday following the first full moon that occurs after the first day of spring. Using this timeline, Easter can vary in date from as early as the 22nd of March to as far into spring as the 25th of April.


Easter here begins with the Thursday before. Maundy Thursday is celebrated as the last day of Jesus’ life and the day of the Last Supper. It’d said that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples in the “Eucharist” ceremony. The day is named after the French word “mande”, which roughly translates to the terms command or mandate. It is said that this name came about from Jesus’ last command given to his followers, “love one another as I have loved you.”

Dating back to the time of King Edward the First, it’s tradition for the Monarch to take part in the Maundy Thursday celebrations. It is customary for the sovereign to distribute what is called the “Maundy Money” to deserving senior citizens. One man and one woman are chosen to represent each year of the Monarch’s age. These are people that have done great service in the community and are chosen to receive a red and white purse containing one coin for every year of rule by the Monarch.

Apparently there was a time when the Royals used to wash the feet of selected poor people to show devotion and humility to their constituents. However, the last Royal to have participated in the original form of this holiday was King James the Second.

GOOD FRIDAY (18th April)

Thought once to be named “God’s Friday” or “Holy Friday”, our celebration of Good Friday is a commemoration of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Good Friday is treated as a day of mourning in the UK. To this day churches remain unlit and bare, with no decorations or flowers; some churches cover statues and paintings.

Many of them hold a ceremony at 3 o’clock, which is said to be the time that Jesus died on the cross. Many services include passion plays or dramatic readings.Hot cross buns are traditionally eaten by Christians in the UK on Good Friday. The bread serves as a reminder of Jesus dying for our sins due to the shape of the cross that appears across the top of the bun.

They are generally consumed as a breakfast food and come straight from the oven. Once sold by street vendors in the cities, a well known nursery rhyme was founded based on the pitch sung by the local vendors: “Hot Cross Buns, Hot Cross Buns, One a penny, two a penny, Hot Cross Buns. If you do not like them, give them to your sons, one a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns.” There are several superstitions around the hot cross bun.

Some say that when baked on Good Friday, they would never go mouldy. Others say that if hardened, they would protect a house from fire. Sailors were known to take them to sea, to protect them from shipwrecks. Fish is the food of choice for Good Friday suppers, while some devout Christians fast instead.


The Saturday prior to Easter is called “Holy Saturday.” Historically considered to be the day that Jesus lay in the tomb and is used to reflect on his sacrifice and prepare for the Easter festivities. Most churches hold services on the eve of Easter.


This is one of the most important holidays in the church. It symbolises remembrance of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, implying that death is not the end of our journey. The churches celebrate Easter Sunday with bell ringing, flowers (generally white lilies), and a white and gold colour pallet inside of the church hall.

An Easter vigil is held in which a fire is lighted outside of the church first thing on Sunday morning. A candle called the Paschal Candle is lit from the fire and then carried into the church. A Paschal Candle is covered in small studs that symbolise Christ’s wounds and is used to light the candles of the congregation members. This service is considered to be joyous after a time of mourning.


Easter Sunday is really rich in food. Breakfast was, and for many still is, boiled eggs and the exchanging of Easter gifts and cards. Roast lamb with mint sauce is served as the main meal. Easter biscuits and custard tarts are the traditional pudding. Tea tends to be a Simnel cake, which is a fruitcake covered with an almond marzipan.

Traditionally, eleven balls of marzipan were baked on top of the cake denoting the eleven original disciples. This, of course, excludes Judas as one of the disciples. Easter biscuits contain spices, currants, and occasionally grated lemon rinds. These are sometimes referred to as Easter cakes.

We have so many recipes on our site that will inspire you to cook or bake something new this Easter. Our team have made them really easy to follow and do. RECIPES.


The biggest largest tradition during an Easter here, is the giving of Easter eggs. Chocolate eggs are given to children on Easter Sunday. These can either be hollow or have a filling, and tend to be wrapped in silver or gold paper. Early Easter gifts were originally birds’ eggs, painted in bright colours and patterns. Some still celebrate Easter with egg painting as a children’s activity.

There is a reason for the eggs. They are a symbol of new life created during the spring and is said to have come from the original pagan traditions surrounding the holiday. Another egg related tradition involves rolling real eggs down a hill in a race. The winner was the owner of the last un-cracked egg. While this tradition seems to have faded in popularity, it can still be seen in Preston in Lancashire. Some of us go for hiding eggs in the garden for the kids to find. Little tip, from personal experience. Don’t do this on a warm Easter day…….

Morris dancing can still be seen around the United Kingdom. A form of historical folk dancing dating roughly back to the Middle Ages, Morris dancing is comprised of people (traditionally men) costumed in white with ribbons and bells on their ankles who dance through the streets of the villages.

This is done to symbolise the arrival of spring. Another, slightly less common tradition is the Maypole dancing. This dates back to before Christianity came to the shores of the UK and is a pagan-based tradition.


Annual Easter egg hunts are held all across the country. There are egg-and-spoon races, bunny hop races, face painting, and lots of other things we can do. Go to the bottom of the page for some ideas.

A South Wales Easter has traditions based not only on Christianity principles but also containing deep rooted pagan customs. Whether you are celebrating Easter as the resurrection of Jesus Christ or a large Easter bunny leaving behind chocolate and painted eggs, there are plenty of unique celebrations across the country to enjoy over the Easter weekend.



Whether it’s indoors or outdoors, a treasure egg hunt or hunting by names will surely bring out the laughter in your house and give you a glimpse of the competitive side of your kids! This is the ultimate in classic Easter activities for kids, no matter what age.


Very easy and incredibly yummy. You will have so much fun making these, and even more eating them. We’ve even given you the recipe below, so no excuse. Get in that kitchen now – all of you

To make our chocolate nests:

  • Add 100g of butter, 1 tbsp cocoa powder, 50g milk chocolate buttons and 75g of golden syrup in a bowl.
  • Microwave on high for 1.5mins and mix together.
  • Crumble 4 Shredded Wheat over the bowl and mix with rest of ingredients.
  • Place a generous spoonful in each of 12 bun case (the nests).
  • Press the centre of each nest down slightly to form a dip and place 3 chocolate mini eggs in each dip.
  • Chill for 30 minutes before serving.


Ok, these may not be Easter books in the true sense, nut if the weather’s bad and you’ve pigged out on our chocolate nests, sitting down with the kids and having a read is a great thing to do. Here’s a few of our suggestions.

  • The Tale of Benjamin Bunny
  • The Tale of Mr. Tod
  • The Tale of Peter Rabbit
  • The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies

These are really lovely stories to read with your kids. Borrow them from your local library or buy these classics for your own library at home – they are sure to become family favourites! Little tip – keep off Watership Down over Easter, (rabbit death and all that)


Don’t want to read, then grab a classic movie off your download shelf, snuggle up on the sofa with your bunny onesie, and enjoy some classic movies. So may to choose from but here’s a few from our archive.

HOP – E.B., the Easter Bunny’s teenage son, is a rabbit who does not want to succeed his father, Mr. Bunny, in the role of the Easter Bunny.


EASTER PARADE – You can’t go wrong with this classic musical from 1948, starring the lovely Judy Garland and Fred Astaire. Easter Parade tells the story of a Broadway star, Don Hewes (Astaire), who, when his dance partner leaves him, decides to team up with the next dancer he meets, Hannah Brown (Garland). 


RISEN – This 2016 film takes on the historical side of Easter, starring Joseph Fiennes, Tom Felton, Peter Firth, and Cliff Curtis. Risen tells the story of a Roman soldier, tasked with finding Jesus’s body after rumours of his resurrection surface. This is an intense movie that will have you on the edge of your seat at every turn.


PETER RABBIT – With the release of number two shortly it’s always nice to look back at the first. Peter, sounding remarkably like James Corden, is a mischievous rabbit with a penchant for causing trouble, and a particular appetite for stealing vegetables from Mr. McGregor’s garden. 


ZOOTOPIA – It isn’t strictly an Easter movie, but definitely a gem to watch on Easter Sunday. In this 2016 Disney animation, rabbit Judy Hopps finally fulfils her dreams of becoming a police officer in the big city, she soon finds it’s not all that she imagined. 

ANYTHING WITH BUGS BUNNY – Simple, but hundreds to choose from.



Dad’s particularly love these – seriously, they do. Hopefully the weather will permit you to have this picnic outside, but failing that, have an indoor picnic instead. Pack up some bite-size treats and a colourful blanket to set the scene.



We have some incredible National Trust properties around South Wales, and let’s be honest, we love visiting them all year round, Easter though is something very special.

They have a long, and really useful Q&A page, packed with information on what we can and can’t do – HERE.

TREDEGAR HOUSE – 17th century mansion of the Morgan family, with stables and parkland in Newport.

SKENFRITH CASTLE – Ruins of a 13th-century castle, which has origins in the Norman conquest of South Wales in Monmouthshire.

DYFFRYN GARDENS – Edwardian designed by Thomas Mawson in 1906 for John Cory, over 55 acres. Within the gardens is Dyffryn House, a Victorian mansion, acquired unfurnished in 2013 and under restoration. By 2016 some rooms were open and furnished with ‘hands-on’ items that can be played with. In the Vale Of Glamorgan.

RHOSSILI AND SOUTH GOWER COAST – In Swansea, the UK’s first Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, with visitor centre and headlands and bays from Rhossili Bay and Worm’s Head south around the peninsular.


St Fagans is an incredible place which has been Wales’s most popular heritage attraction for many years. It holds a special place in the hearts of the people of Wales. This is because St Fagans is a people’s museum, where we explore history together through people’s everyday lives.

The museum stands in the grounds of the magnificent St Fagans Castle and gardens, a late 16th-century manor house donated to the people of Wales by the Earl of Plymouth in 1948.

Since 1948 over forty original buildings from different historical periods have been re-erected in the 100-acre parkland, among them houses, a farm, a school, a chapel and a splendid Workmen’s Institute.

If you’d like to see what’s going on at the museum, or pay them a visit, you can get more details here – ST FAGANS


Find the hidden Easter bunnies and bag yourself an Easter treat!

This is a FREE event on Sunday 17th April from 11am to 12 noon. Normal admission charge applies.


Hop to it! Follow the trail of carrots to find out what adventures the Easter Bunny has been having at the Roman Fortress Baths. 

It runs from Saturday 12th April through to Sunday 27th April between 10am and 4pm at Caerleon Roman Fortress and Baths. For more details, go HERE.


The Lord of Chepstow Castle has locked away his Easter eggs, but forgotten the combination code!

Search the castle for clues to open the padlock. If you can open the lock, you can eat the choc!

You do not need to book tickets for this event.

It runs from Monday 14th April through to Sunday 20th April at Chepstow Castle. To get more details, go HERE.


Visit Castell Coch over the Easter holidays and enjoy a great day out in a fairy-tale castle setting, with an Easter trail, crafts, face-painting and enchanting storytelling. 

N.B. The facepainter will be there on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday (18th – 21st); and the storyteller on Saturday, Sunday (19th – 20th).

Perfect for the whole family.

Normal admission, but advisable to book tickets online in advance, due to limited capacity at the site. For more details, go HERE.


The year is 1416, and the Freemen of Gwent have returned from France where they fought victoriously under King Henry V’s banner at Agincourt the previous year.

However, they feel the need to atone for their sins to save themselves from dire retribution, and what better place to achieve this than at Tintern Abbey, on their home doorstep. 

Meet these fierce men-at-arms and their families in the warmth of their camp near their homes in Wales, and learn about their way of life and worship.

You do not need to book tickets for this event.

It runs from Friday 18th April at various dates through till Monday 21st April. For more details, go HERE.



There are 10 activities this year, all are hands-on, Easter-inspired and designed for everyone in the family to enjoy. They are bringing back a few firm favourites from last year such as the egg run, feed the bunny and animal dress-up stations and adding some special new additions too.

The vast majority of the trail is handmade by staff and volunteers, using natural or recycled materials – everything is beautifully created with love and care ensuring that there’s no other trail quite like Dyffryn’s.

Complete the trail and collect a dairy or vegan and Free From* chocolate Easter egg. The Dyffryn Easter trail is an opportunity for every member of your family, from youngest to oldest, to have fun and make the kind of precious memories that Easter outings are all about.

Prices are £3.50 per trail (normal admission also applies) which includes an Easter trail sheet, bunny ears and dairy or vegan and Free From* chocolate egg. While we give away cardboard bunny ears with each trail we also love seeing everyone in their Easter finery – bonnets, hats, ears and tails are strongly encouraged! We also recommend sensible shoes for running, jumping and hopping but the trail is also accessible for wheelchairs, mobility scooters, walking aids and prams.

*Suitable for people with milk, egg, gluten, peanut and tree nut allergies.

The trails run between 10am to 5pm from the 7th through to 22nd April. For more details on the events at Dyffryn Gardens in the Vale of Glamorgan, go HERE.


You can join everyone at Forage for a wholesome experience on Penllyn Estate Farm at the family-friendly Easter event where memories will be made. Your time will be filled with fun activities, cute animals and of course you’ll get to meet a very special fluffy guest…

THE EASTER BUNNY – The fluffy legend themselves will be in attendance for you to snap a rare photo together and children will love climbing inside a golden egg!

FARM DISPLAYS – Get close to these gigantic machines from our combine harvester to tractor and seed drill, sure to inspire and delight your keen, little farmers.

FORAGE ANIMALS – The cute little lambs will join you on the Forage lawn alongside the famous alpacas and cheeky pigmy goats. 

There’s lots more going on at Forage this Easter between the 18th and 21st April. For more details, go HERE.


Make your way along the trail and find garden fete activities for the whole family. Join in the fun with some traditional games and follow in the footsteps of Percy and Lulu in spring 1929, two of Lord Tredegar’s servants .

The trail takes place between 7th – 22nd April, from 10:30 to 4pm, with last entry to the house at 2:45pm, so head along and explore the beautiful gardens of Tredegar House.

Prices are £3.50 per trail which includes an Easter trail sheet and bunny ears. You can then choose from either a chocolate egg* or a vegan and Free From chocolate egg* that is suitable for people with milk, egg, gluten, peanut and tree nut allergies.

*The National Trust wants to contribute to a better world for people and nature. That is why we source our cocoa responsibly by buying from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms.

For more details on the Easter Trail at Tredegar House in Newport go HERE.


Daily Easter Egg Hunt with the Easter Bunny 12th and 27th April.

Head to Cantref Adventure Farm this Easter Holidays and Bottle Feed Lambs, Meet Newborn Lambs, Join the Easter Bunny for an Easter Egg Hunt, Have a Tractor & Trailer Ride, Hold and Stroke the Pets, Laugh at naughty Mr Ev’s in his Show and more ………..

They also have a large heated indoor Soft Play Area, Ball Cannons, Pedal Tractors, Adventure Play, Adventure Bounce, Sand & Water Play, Crazy Golf, Zip Line, Swamp Boat Ride, Sledge Ride and more……..

There is plenty to keep the kids entertained all day and the sledge ride is great fun for the grown ups too! The views of the Brecon Beacons and Black Mountains from Cantref are spectacular. So come and have a great family day out with the kids this Easter at Cantref Adventure Farm.

For more details on the Easter Egg Hunt go HERE.


Hop down to Plantasia Tropical Zoo on Saturday 19th April for your Hoppy Easter event!

Meet Rapunzel and the Easter Bunny:
Hop into the Easter spirit with a magical meet-and-greet! Snap photos with Glass Slipper Events’ Rapunzel and the Easter Bunny, or try our fun photo kiosk experience to capture the perfect memory.

Live Balcony Performances:
Delight in Rapunzel’s enchanting songs as she performs from the tree-house balcony at half past every hour. Her beautiful voice will bring a touch of magic to your day!

Easter Trail and Prizes:
Embark on an egg-citing Easter trail through our tropical jungle. Solve clues and complete challenges for your chance to win a special prize!

Colouring-In Fun:
Get creative in the Grow Your Imagination room, where kids can enjoy Easter-themed colouring sessions until 3pm.

Explore the Zoo:
Your ticket includes general admission to Plantasia Tropical Zoo, where you can meet over 40 incredible species, from colourful birds to curious reptiles. Stay and explore for as long as you wish!

Online General Admission tickets:

Adults (16yrs +): £8.95

Children (2 – 15yrs): £8.95

Toddlers (0-1 yrs): FREE

Concessions: £6.95

Family of 4 (2 Adults & 2 Children or 1 Adult & 3 Children): £34.50

Family of 5 (2 Adults & 2 Children or 1 Adult & 4 Children) £40.75

Carer: FREE

Annual passes, Golden Tickets, other complimentary tickets and corporate discounts can be used for this event.

For more details go HERE.

Here’s our Top Ten favourites to visit over Easter


Here at SOUTH WALES LIFE we put together a guide to all that is Gavin, Stacey and the town of Barry, starting with the most famous house of all.

The nice things is, you can visit Barry Island, go for a little drive around to some of the Gavin and Stacey sites. I defy anyone not to go to Stacey’s house and not smile. A little word of warning, the hill where the house is, is incredibly steep. Be prepared for a few stops on the way. When you get there however, it is so worth it.

Take a look at our feature HERE.

We have other pages packed with ideas for things to do at Easter, and beyond, we’ve listed them below.

We also have a series of features looking at OUR SOUTH WALES places to visit, right on our doorstep. Take a look at the features below.